Thursday, February 18, 2016

Mid/late February reading....

I spent today reading the beginning of Twilight of the Hellenistic World.  It's set in the Alexandrian Successor states in the late 3rd/early 2nd century BCE.  I'm reading about the different Greek city states and their various alliances.  It seems Macedonia would play different factions off in the quest for predominance on the Achean mainland.  Sparta and Athens were still two large players.  There were others.  Rome put an end to all this when it consolidated its holdings in the eastern Med against the crumpling Greek states.

I'm just getting into the internal politics.  This had been going on since the death of Alexander the Great in the fourth century BCE.  Right now, the author is just covering mainland Greece.  There were other parts of the Successor's empire.  I think this was the time of mercenaries, too.  I'm only 50 pages into the book, so I'm not a point where I can really comment.  Other than it's interesting stuff... 

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